Sunday, August 25, 2019

Not a Fraturday.........

I'll call this one "rain on my sunroof", haha. (Standing by tends to make the mind wander.)
The Saturday night before, this was my definition of a "throng". Fellow Teamster Ron and myself headed to the PNE for...…...

…….one of the many Summer Night Concerts.

Tonight it was the iconic Canadian band, "Blue Rodeo". They did not disappoint, playing all of my favourites, haha.

Jim Cuddy and Greg Keelor could still belt it out.

A great night indeed.

Monday morning on the Good Doctor, it was back over the Cambie Bridge to pick-up the director. This week the weather changed, bringing winds and much needed rain.

Trying to find a quiet place to chill for a bit at the Bridge Studios. Underneath the sky-train was not the place to be.

There goes fellow Teamster peeps Mike, John, and Bob, off on an important mission. (or maybe just heading for lunch?)

Out to Kitsilano for an early morning cast pick-up, a great sunrise over the city. (and is that the moon setting over to the left?)

Standing by downtown, don't think I've noticed this building before.

Haha, another day, standing by again for a cast pick-up, this time in the Mount Pleasant neighbourhood. I dodged the  rain and got a great cappuccino at Our Town cafĂ©.
The posse is getting bigger! This time the mighty Teamsters were heading to the work trucks for a move to VCC, which fronts as our hospital cafeteria. 
….and there it is! My proof that we did not do a Fraturday! I managed to get home while it was light enough to get a cool view of Mount Baker
….on the web, that's one bummed out cat.

I think more roundabouts should have the same amount of greenery. 

…..mnnnnn, supersize the foot fungus

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