The early Friday night was soon to come, but first I had to endure a couple of early, early mornings at the studio.
Just over one month ago we had no neighbour beside our stage 12 at the Bridge Studios.......
.....but now construction is in full swing for the newest series to film in Vancouver. (Titled Port Lawrence '93, aka "Goosebumps.")
Thanks to fellow Teamster peep Eugene, who knows a guy, lol, we now have way better beans for our morning coffee.
My favourite waiting to pick-up cast spot. Always a different view.
My two Fridays ago, waiting for the executive producer and his family close to B.C. Place, pic. They were there to see the Elton John Farewell Tour concert. Getting out of there was a little challenging to say the least.
....and there it is! Ritsue is now the newest team member at the Nikkei National Museum and Cultural Centre.
Ahoy Matey! Ritsue had her pirate on at the Nikkei Centre's last farmer's market of the season last Sunday.
Well, if you're in the neighbourhood, you may or may not want to try the Me-n-Ed's half Me-n-Ed's combo and half.........wait for it......sauerkraut pizza (The Oktoberfest pizza, don't you know) Actually, it was pretty good, Italian sausage, cheese and mustard sauce, mmnnnnn!
Good thing Dr. Reznick and Dr. Park were not in on this day, they would of had a hard time getting into their trailers.
I woke up briefly one night to see this on the clock radio. Apparently it may or may not have a connection to the spiritual world. Hmnnnnnnn.....
A dark view of Kits beach and downtown, another early morning wait for cast.
Yay! On Friday, Will and Fiona (Park and Reznick) paid for a coffee truck to come and treat the crew.
What seems odd to me. 6 p.m. on a Friday night and the sky-train was not crowded.
A toast to the executive producer, who gave me two tickets to the good old hockey game.....
......and there is the legend himself, Sydney Crosby. Junior and I had center ice seats, 12 rows up from the ice, nice!
.....and a home team victory as well! What a way to finish off the week. Tomorrow is the start of 11 days in a row for the mighty Teamsters. We are currently filming episode 608 (technically episode 10) of the Good Doctor. By the 11th day we will be well into episode 609.
Did I mention I hate Wordle?